Thursday, May 23, 2013

Created Equal.

I believe that all men are created equal, but, I don’t believe that all men stay equal. I hear so many people talking about how no one person is better than any other person, and I couldn't disagree more. Yes, God created us all equally, but then we were born and life happened. Some of us chose to be better people, to excel in kindness and love, while others turned dark, and sometimes even evil. I’m sorry, but I just don’t see people who rape, torture, and murder in the same category as people who try to lead honest lives. We are all capable of growing into better people, everyone has character defects, but acknowledging them and trying to better yourself really means something. I think people who lead not so great lives fall back on, "all men were created equal" as a crutch, a way to almost justify the bad person they are. However the fact is that YES, some people are "better" than other people, get over it. If you don't like it, start changing into who you want to be. It’s like a race, sure we all have the same starting line, but throughout the race some runners get ahead, others fall behind, and there are winners.

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